Its that time of year again in Big Bear where the moles are running rampid. We offer a variety of different services for helping solve your Mole issue in Big Bear CA and the surrounding areas. We are located on the mountain and offer 24HR Emergency Service
Eventhough these little guys are small they can cause a ton of damage to your property, and can cost you alot of money in damages to your yard. We have been dealing with moles for over sixteen years and can handle any situation you might be having.
Some Info On Moles
Moles have polydactyl hands; each hand has an extra thumb next to the regular thumb. While the mole's other digits have multiple joints, the prepollex has a single, sickle-shaped bone which develops later and differently than the other fingers during embryogenesis from a transformed sesamoid bone in the wrist, independently evolved but similar to the giant panda
A mole's diet primarily consists of earthworms and other small invertebrates found in the soil and also a variety of nuts. The mole runs are in reality 'worm traps', the mole sensing when a worm falls into the tunnel and quickly running along to kill and eat it. Because their saliva contains a toxin that can paralyze earthworms, moles are able to store their still living prey for later consumption. They construct special underground "larders" for just this purpose—researchers have discovered such larders with over a thousand earthworms in them. Before eating earthworms, moles pull them between their squeezed paws to force the collected earth and dirt out of the worm's gut.
Big Bear Mole Removal Experts877-558-7277 Call Today And Ask To Speak With Trapper Matt
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